Den Haag (The Hague)
Thursday, April 19
It was raining and hailing before breakfast so we decided to go to Den Haag(The Hague) to see some museums there.  We first went to the Mauritshuis, which has many of the best of the classic Dutch paintings, including the famous"Girl With a Pearl Earring" by Jan Vermeer.  For more on this famous museum and its collection, see this link.

After a good look at all the paintings there, we walked to another musuem, The Gemeentemuseum, where we saw the first of many paintings of the Hague School artists.  One example of the paintings of this school is by Anthonij Mauve, but more examples and some information about the Hague School can be seen at this site.

John especially enjoyed the Mondrian paintings there and we were surprised by the number of  the moody Dutch Landscapes among these early works.

        Mill in Sunlight, 1908                Red Tree, 1908       

as well as the type of painting for which he became famous. His 1944 "Victory Boogie Woogie" in this museum is his last, unfinished work.

After all this, we decided to do something different and drove out to Scheveningen, a suburb on the North Sea.  The pier there is an interesting structure.  It has a restaurant where Elizabeth and I had had dinner 5 years earlier.

                                                                                                                               Marian De Jong                                

On to Keukenhof Gardens.