Keukenhof Gardens
Friday, April 20

It was a bright, sunny morning so we decided to go to the Keukenhof Gardens.  It was still sunny for the first hour or so we were there, but then it clouded over and began to rain.  The growers there plant tulips which mature at different times.  Because of the cold spring there, only the early tulips were in bloom, so we didn't see as many tulips as we did in our previous trip, five years earlier.  But the daffodils and hyacinths were in full flower, as were many of the flowering trees.  The garden is large, over 70 acres, and there were many beautiful spots.

                                                Photos by  John Anton

There were pavillions where the growers had planted small beds of their flowers.  Although the tulips outdoors had not yet reached their peak, the flowers  inside were spectacular. 

                                                                     Photos by John Anton

There were also hyacinth fields which we could see from the gardens.

From a windmill we could also see a field of early tulips with other colorful fields in the background.

                                                                                            Photos by John Anton

On to Haarlem.