Afsluitdijk to Amsterdam

From Leeuwarden we drove to Amsterdam over the Afsluitdijk, an 18 mile long dike which separates the North Sea from the Ijsselmeer.  Although it was cold and very windy, we enjoyed the ride.

                                                       Photos by John Anton

By the time we got to Amsterdam, found our hotel,  and returned the car, the sun had begun to break through and we were able to look around a bit.  Our hotel was right on a canal.

                                                                      John Anton

From our room we enjoyed a view of it.

On the way to the Stedelijk museum  we enjoyed the Leidseplein area.

                                                                          John Anton

At the Stedelijk museum  there was a special exhibit celebrating the 80th birthday of Karel Appel, a Dutch abstract expressionist painter.

                                                                          John Anton
After we had spent some time at the Stedelijk, we took a walk along one of the canals with the largest buildings.

                                                             Photos by John Anton

We ended our walk that day at the flower market, a floating market on barges in the canal, where Don bought Elizabeth a bunch of tulips.

                                                                           John Anton

On to a day on the Amsterdam canals.