Amsterdam Canal Scenes

For most of one day and half of the next, we had a ticket for the canal buses, canal boats which travelled 4 separate routes.  With the daily ticket, we could ride any of the boats on any of the routes. The following picture shows one of these canal buses.

From these canal buses we were able to see many of the beautiful buildings built on the canal, as well as many other typical Amsterdam sights.



                                                                                           Photos by John Anton

That evening, we had a delightful visit with the de Jongs, Cornelis and Jantina,  and their daughter Marian.  We had "met" Marian on the Internet as we were both studying their and Elizabeth's common Hager ancestry.  Cornelis' grandfather and Elizabeth's grandfather were brothers, making Cornelis and Elizabeth second cousins. Here is a picture of Cornelis, Elizabeth, and Marian.

Marian lives in Amsterdam and her parents live in Tilburg, so she picked them up and drove them to Amsterdam for the evening.  We had a wonderful visit for more than two hours in our hotel lobby and then went to a great rijstaffel in a nearby restaurant.

On to the Queen's Birthday celebration in Amsterdam.