From Roussillon we rode the bus to the Isle sur la Sorgue on Thursday, a market day. It is an interesting little town on the Sorgue River.
Waterwheels were once a source of power used to process wool and silk.
Photo by Fred May.
It was a fairly large market with vegetables, meat and fish.
Photos by Rose Southall.
There were also nuts, olives and garlic.
Photos by Rose Southall.
Here Elizabeth is checking out some material.
There was time for a midmorning break for Fred and Bobbie before the picnic.
Photo submitted by Fred May.
We enjoyed a picnic at a little park right along the river. It was here that we had our first taste of pastis, a licorice flavored aperitif.
Photo by Fred May.
Photo by Kay Lippmann.
On y va to Lacoste.