
We left Venice before breakfast could be served at the hotel, so David arranged for us to have cappuccino and a roll at a a small restaurant right on the Grand Canal.  From there we walked to the vaporetto stop and then took one last ride on the Grand Canal to the parking area for our bus.  We then had an interesting ride through the Po valley to the outskirts of Ravenna, where we met a local guide at the Basilica of St. Apollinaris in Classe.   She told us about the history of its construction in 534 and beautiful mosaics from the 6th and 7th century.

We then went on into the city to the Church of St. Vitalis, consecrated by Maximilian in 547.  This octagonal church also had excellent  mosaics.


Behind the church was the tomb of Galla Placidia, a mausoleum of the 5th century, which contains some of the most beautiful mosaics of all.

After a good lunch in the town, we had a bit of free time before we headed for Florence.  Many members of the group went with David to dinner in Florence in the evening.

On to Florence.

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