
One of the interesting sights on our city was St. Christopher's Church, which had been bombed in 1945 and was not restored, except for the new steel buttresses and the sculpture of "hands" on the exterior.

Our first look at two of the seven towers of the Dom. Construction of this cathedral began in 975 and it was destroyed by a fire in 1009. Construction resumed in 1036 and was completed in 1239. It was severely damaged by the bombing in August 1942 and was burned out. A comprehensive renovation continued until 1960.

A different view of this magnificent cathedral.

The interior was very dark.

An altar in one of the side chapels.
A statue of Albert of Brandenburg, who was a contemporary of Martin Luther and raised money selling indulgences.

Photos of half-timbered buildings in the Old Town area near the Dom.

A view of some government buildings near where our ship was docked.
Gutenberg Museum

One of the highlights in Mainz was a visit to the Gutenberg Museum.
Here we saw a replica of Gutenberg's workshop with a demonstration of a page being printed.

A photograph of the Gutenberg Bible of the 1450's, open to the book of John. The middle of the right hand column has John 1:1 which in Latin is "In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum." ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.")