From June 11 to June 24, 2007 we took a Grand Circle Cruise of the Great Rivers of Europe. This involved the Danube from Vienna (A below) to Kelheim (O), the Rhine-Main Canal from Kelheim(0) to Bamberg (F), the Main from Bamberg(F) to Mainz(J) and the Rhine from Mainz(J) to Tiel in the Netherlands and the Rhine-Amsterdam Canal from Tiel to Amsterdam(M.) It was interesting to cruise these waterways and also to visit many of the ports.
A map of the cruise with ports of call from Vienna to Amsterdam follows:

A larger map has more detail and allows scrolling, zooming and satellite views.
The ship was the River Symphony.
To navigate this site, you may use the navigation bar at the top or you may begin with the Vienna link below and follow the links at the bottom of the each page.