
When we arrived at Nice it was still raining as our bus took us to the Matisse Museum, where Patrick gave us a guided tour.

Photo by Rose Southall.

The permanent collection is made up oil paintings, paper cut-outs, drawings, engravings, bronzes, illustrated books and photographs. One of his works we saw was "Fleurs et fruits" in the atrium.

We saw some of his famous "Jeannette" statues and his l'Amphore cut out.

After we got out of the museum we could get a view of the harbor.

By then the rain had stopped and we were taken to our hotel on the quai des Etats Unis, just across the street from the Promenade. From some rooms on the side of the building, the Mediterranean could be seen by leaning out of the window.

Photo by Cliff Michel.

After a short rest we met on the promenade for a birthday celebration for Elizabeth and a group picture.

Photo by Fred May.

We were on our own for dinner that evening and met the next morning for a walking tour of Old Nice. Patrick took us quickly through the antique market near our hotel to such landmarks as this church.

At the end of the tour some of us walked to the Chagall Museum while others boarded buses to Monaco, or went back to the antique market.

There was also a fruit and vegetable market which had a large display of olives.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Those who went to the Chagall Museum were impressed by the excellent displays of Chagall's works. His works there had mostly Biblical themes, such as his painting on Noah's ark.

He also did a large mosaic of Elijah in his chariot of fire, surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac which he uses to symbolize time.

Perhaps most striking was his stained glass of the creation, in three large windows of the auditorium.

Nice also has an excellent museum of modern art and this is one of the works they display.

Some tour members walked along the promenade with a view of the sunbathers and swimmers..

Others went down on the pebbly beach. Note the hill in this shot and the red stairs leading up that hill.

While some of us climbed those stairs to the top of Colline du Chateau, a hill overlooking the Bay of Angels, others used an elevator. This viewpoint provided some spectacular views of the bay and certainly showed us why this area is called Cote d'Azur (the Azure Coast.)

On the other side of the hill was a view of the port.

All good things must come to an end and this was the last day of our tour. We all met for dinner and final farewells at a local restaurant.

Cliff and Kathryn.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Helen and Carl.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Irene and Michael.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Rose and Jack.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.
Tom and Valerie.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Fred and Bobbie.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

Chris and Mimi.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.
Don and Elizabeth.

Photo by Mary Ellen Sturm.

On y va to Monaco or back Home.