
Our ship docked at Nijmegen on the Waal River. Nijmegen celebrated its 2000th year of existence in 2005. With its history going back that far it is considered the oldest city in the Netherlands. The first mention of Nijmegen in history is in the 1st century BC, when the Romans built a military camp on the place where Nijmegen was to appear; the location had great strategic value because of the surrounding hills, which gave (and give) a good view over the Waal and Rhine valley.

This was the bridge over the Waal River that was the cause for the battle here in 1944.

The main square was set up for a market day.

The town hall.

We tasted some cheese at this cheese store and even bought some to eat later.

A highlight of the stop in Nijmegen was a dinner in the home of a delightful Dutch couple. Our host is on the the left and the hostess on the right. We had a wonderful visit.

The first course of the dinner was soup, followed by potatoes and gravy, different kinds of sausages, broccoli, small and tasty Brussel Sprouts and a salad with a homemade vinaigrette. The meal ended with a delicious dessert.


Continue to the city of Dusseldorf.