How to use the map:
  • You can click on any marker to get a small photo for each site.
  • You can zoom in by clicking on the "+" and zoom out with the "-".
  • You can move the map by clicking the left button on your mouse and holding it down while you move the mouse.
  • To see the satellite image rather than the map, click on "Satellite". To see a combination of map and satellite image, click on "Hybrid."
  • For your information, the section from A to D is on the Danube (as is the short cruise to the Weltenburg Abbey, labeled O.)From Kelheim, near Regensburg, we will be on the Danube-Main Canal to Bamburg at point F. From there to Mainz (J) we will be on the Main River. There we start north on the Rhine and leave it near the town of Tiel in the Netherlands to join the Rhine-Amsterdam Canal. The cruise ends in Amsterdam in the harbor where, if you zoom in far enough, you can see a ship very similar to the one we will be on.
  • The trips to Rothenburg (P) and Heidelberg(Q) are by bus.