As you can see from the photo at the top of the page, Orvieto is built a thousand feet above the valley floor on tufa, a soft volcanic stone. The photo on the left shows the Duomo.
This is a commercial photograph of the duomo to show its size and beauty.
This is a closup to show the mosaics.
This is a closeup of the panel on the leftmost pillar. It shows scenes from Genesis. In the lower right, Eve is created from the rib of Adam, while just above it we see Adam and Eve in Eden with the snake who tempts them. In the upper left we see them being driven from the Garden of Eden.
Here we see a judgment scene with the saved on the left and the damned on the right.
The interior of the Duomo
The 6th-century Pietà by Ippolito Scalza.
Influenced greatly by Dante's "Divine Comedy," Luca Signorelli created frescoes in the Brizio Chapel. In this scene angels play in Heaven and place crowns on the heads of the Blessed, who have been chosen to ascend to Paradise. The beautiful bodies, tranquil angels and golden background are in stark contrast to the horrifying scenes of Hell elsewhere in the chapel, and show the rewards of loving God while we are on Earth.
This dramatic fresco represents all the desperation of the condemned, persecuted and tortured by the devils as portrayed in a mass of flesh, muscles and bodies prostrated by pain.
Just to the right of the center, the figure of the Anti-Christ stands on a pedestal with a devil clinging to his shoulders.
The fresco photos and text are from

There were great views of the valleys below the city, as shown in this panoramic photo.
The next day we were to make the hike from Bagnoregio to Civita.