Levanto is a resort town with easy access by train or car.
It has some beautiful hotels.
It also has private villas.
This is the church of San Andrea, built in 1222 and later extended and restored. The facade is panelled alternately in Carrara white marble and local green serpentine.
The remains of the ever present castle for towns like this.
A view of the city from this higher elevation.
A view of the beach and the promenade. Some got their feet wet or just rested on the beach.
That evening we had our last dinner together as a group. Nina pointed out to us the variety of food that had been prepared for us. Directly in fornt of the chef is the delicious pesto lasagne and just to his left is a tray of lobster.
Here people are in line for the first course, the most delicious fish soup.
As if that table did not have enough food, there was another table with anchovies, two kinds of cheese, and other dishes.
Dinner photos by Laura Avis.
The evening ended with an unrehearsed a capella version of "Happy Trails To You" in both English and in Italian.
The next morning we boarded the bus one last time for the ride to Milan.