
When we arrived at Dinan, an interesting medieval town, Patrick took us on walking tour of the city.

Patrick is proud that he lives in Brittany and displayed his pride with a shirt with a Brittany flag on it.

Photo by Sam McKinstry.

One of the oldest buildings in Dinan.

Dinan's basilica, St. Sauveur.

We walked to a vantage point where we could look down to city port on the Rance River.

Photo by Hal Mortensen


From that same area we could also see part of the city wall.

After the walking tour we were left on our own for lunch and most of us had a local specialty, galettes, a type of buckwheat crepe to which they would add ham or cheese or mushrooms. Here are Elizabeth and Meredith at lunch.

Photo by Sam McKinstry.

We had time after lunch to look around the city and found more half-timbered buildings.



At the other end of the town, we found more of the city walls.



Continue to Mont St. Michel.