
Elizabeth in her wedding dress.

We were married in Calvin's Seminary Chapel

Honeymoon at Torch Lake.

A hike on Sleeping Bear sand dune..

We moved to Ann Arbor where we saw the Michigan football games.

The Michigan band.

Our apartment in Ann Arbor.

David was born at the University Hospital.

At the end of the school year, we moved to this home in Kalamazoo.

Don taught math and physics at Kalamazoo Christian High School.

Here Dave grew up.

He especially liked long rides in the stroller.

David with Elizabeth's parents.

Mary was born in Kalamazoo. This was the day she was baptised.

Dave was more interested in kicking the football.

We did some camping in northern Michigan

Chrismas of 1957 in Kalamazoo.

In the summer of 1958 we camped in northern Michigan

Christmas of 1958

The next summer we moved to Columbus so Don could study at the Ohio State University.
The arrow points to our apartment there.

An aerial view of the campus and the stadium.

We were able to go to the OSU games.

We could compare the OSU band with the U 0f M band.

David's 4th birthday
Mary entertaining the family.

Mary's 3rd birthday.

Christmas 1958 in Columbus

Christmas in Grand Rapids
Christmas in Vriesland.
