We began this trip by flying to Newark, where Mary picked
us up. We enjoyed a week with them and had the opportunity to spend
time with the children, since they were on half-days the beginning of the
week. Also, William was ill and we were able to stay home with him
while Mary and Randy worked.
It was also very nice to be with them for Thanksgiving.

We were surprised how much the children had grown.

They were also beginning to enjoy the Christmas season by looking at the
ornaments on the tree and wearing their Santa hats.
We even gave them some of their Christmas presents early.

After a wonderful week with them, we took the train to Washington, DC.
Although it was cold there for us, we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon walking
around the monuments. First was the Jefferson Memorial.
Next we walked to the relatively new FDR Memorial. It was a rather
large memorial, with beautiful waterfalls and statuary, some representing
FDR and Eleanor, and others representing events of his presidency.
An example of the latter is the statue of men standing in line during the
darkest days of the depression.

The Lincoln Memorial is always impressive, as is the view of the Washington
Monument from there.

The Vietnam Memorial is very moving. We were able to find the name
of Major Richard Elzinga, the son of friends of ours.

We were also moved by the statue of the soldiers and nurses of the Vietnam

The newest monument is the Korean War Veterans Memorial.

We spent the next day in two museums, the National Gallery of Art and the
Museum of American History. In the National Gallery we were especially
glad to see some of our favorite Vermeer paintings.

In the Museum of American History, Elizabeth was especially interested in
the quilts and clothing and Don spent a lot of time at the computer
history exhibit. We had intended to do more sightseeing the next morning
but it was too cold and windy for us to get out. So we spent a leisurely
morning in the shops in the hotel and Union Station before boarding the train
to Williamsburg.
Nancy took us to see Carter's Grove, which showed the slave's area as well
as the great mansion built there.

The interior of the mansion was warm and decorated for Christmas, but it was cold outside!

In Williamsburg we saw the Governor's Palace and the Courthouse.

Every building there had the traditional Christmas decoration,
wreaths of all sorts.

We did enjoy some of the other sights of Williamsburg as well.

Elizabeth enjoyed seeing the spinning of the wool into thread.

As part of the Grand Illumination celebration, there were performances by
four Fife and Drum Corps.

The grand finale of the Grand Illumination was the fireworks.